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Cherry Blossom Society

Cherry Blossom Society

Planned gifts go a long way towards ensuring the future for Florida House’s work—we could not champion Florida in the way we do without our generous, forward-thinking donors. We invite you to join our Cherry Blossom Society and support Florida House for years to come. We would greatly appreciate if you left your mark on Florida House by choosing one of the opportunities below; we have attached an infographic for ease of access.


Bequests from Wills and Living Trusts

Including us in your plans for the future is a straightforward and simple avenue to support Florida House’s ongoing work. 


Beneficiary of IRA

Naming Florida House as a beneficiary of your IRA is a simple, easy way to leave your mark on our long-standing tradition of connecting Floridians and DC. 


Beneficiary of Life Insurance

Naming us as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy allows you to contribute to our ongoing work while enjoying the tax benefits from donating assets. 


Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

CRTs are a great way to invest for yourself and your loved ones while also contributing to the mission of Florida House for the future.


Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT)

By setting up a CLAT, you can immediately help Florida House connect, celebrate, and champion Florida while also investing in the future of your beloved. 


Have questions? Contact Diana Beckmann at (202) 546-1555 or donations@floridahousedc.org. 

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